Income protection

If you’re worried about the financial effects of being out of work due to accident or sickness, you could get cover to provide a monthly benefit whilst you recover.

What is income protection?

How secure if your lifestyle? If you cant work due to accident or sickness that results in a loss of earnings, would you be able to cover your monthly costs. Many people think “It’ll never happen to me”.

Statutory sick pay is only £99.35 for up to 28 week (correct as at March 2022) and its highly likely that wouldn’t be enough to live on and would soon be drawing on your savings or struggling to pay bills.

The good news is, Income Protection can give you a safety net as it will pay out a tax-free monthly benefit until your well enough to go back to work, until your chosen retirement age or you reach the end of the plan if you don’t recover. It can help look after your monthly financial commitments such as bills, mortgages or maintain your standard of living.

Enquire about an appointment.

We aim to meet your needs as much as we can. Visit our appointment enquiry page, choose a time and date that works for you and we’ll try to make it work for us.